Hello, world!

In an effort to improve my writing skills, a new blog is born!

For now, this post serves as an introduction of myself, and my blogging ambitions. I’m an ML engineer and Specialist Lead with Deloitte in The Netherlands, and this blog will cover any topic that I run into which might also be helpful, interesting or insightful to others.

What topics, you might ask? You could think about SQL tips & tricks, optimizations to Python code that are not obvious at first sight, or my foray into the world of MLOps; Bringing machine learning models to production environments in a sustainable, transparent, reproducible and automated manner.

Any new posts will be announced wherever relevant, for example via Linkedin or my other social circles. For now, I’ll leave you with this piece of wisdom:

def initiate_blog(audience):
    return f"Hello, {audience}!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

(Cover image: Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash)